Website Design for First Equity Group and Their Six Subsidiary Companies

First Equity Group of Westport CT has a three-decade track-record leading successful investment transactions in the aerospace & defense, transportation and automotive sectors, both as a principal and advisor. Designsite was enlisted to design their corporate website, as well as their First Aviation Services website and their five subsidiary company websites. Designsite’s background in corporate identity and branding enabled us to create a design standard that maintained individual brand identities, but also created a unified system, all identifiable under the corporate umbrella:


Designsite designed and built all websites using Squarespace as the content management platform. First Equity and First Aviation websites include complete overviews and news and updates, which are replicated on all websites. Subsidiary websites provided aviation-related product information and services, as well as video and integrated chat services. Resources contain pertinent information for suppliers and portal logins for customer-specific information. Designsite supplied original CSS coding to extend Squarespace’s capabilities, including connecting CSV files housed in Google Cloud and presenting them on the websites, including design and search capabilities. The information is automatically updated on the website when CSV files are updated on Google. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) was also performed to ensure high organice rankings in Google and other search engines.

Click below to view the First Aviation website and their subsidiary companies.


Designsite is an award-winning website, digital marketing and branding firm, based in Fairfield CT. We’re an original Squarespace Expert and have helped over 300 startups, nonprofits and businesses of all sizes build a successful online presence. Please contact us at to learn about how we can help your business.

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