Instagram Contest Results in 60% Increase of Younger Fans for Music Legend Brian Wilson. How We Did It ...

Brian Wilson is a true music icon: as leader of the Beach Boys, he composed, arranged, sang and produced some of the greatest American popular music ever – peaking in 1966 with the seminal "Pet Sounds" album and the revolutionary single "Good Vibrations."

For over 10 years, we've been responsible for Brian's website and social media properties, building a huge fan base to help promote the musician's ventures – most lately the acclaimed feature film "Love & Mercy." While Brian has a tremendous fan base of fans 35-64, there is a growing fan base of younger listeners, and it was our goal to reach even further with the younger demographic in advance of Brian's most recent tour.

We created, designed and produced an innovative social media contest built around Instagram's younger demographic. We made the contest easy and fun – and the fans responded beyond everyone's expectations.

For each city, fans were asked to tag #BrianWilsonLive with the city in which they would like to see the show to a photo or artwork creation. The contest went viral: thousands of young fans around the country posted original, fun and creative pictures – a selection of which are shown above.

Winners for each tour date city were chosen on their creativity and were invited to bring a friend and hang out with Brian before the show, see the soundcheck and watch the performance. All the winners from the show then posted tagged photos of themselves with Brian, adding a second wave of promotion for the contest.

The results were phenomenal: Brian's Instagram following increased over 60% with the intended result of bringing in a younger demographic to the legendary musician. Click the button below to view winner's photos and their pictures with Brian.


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